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Double Barreled Weekend 8/4-8/5

Abe Lincoln once said, “Be excellent to each other, and party on dudes!” Which is exactly what Bill and Taro decided to do this week; leaving the rest of e4 staring madly at the sky with our mouths agape. Taro, forsook the gang for Siggraph 2012. While Bill; in a misguided attempt to swoon his hubbie, decided to go on “vacation” mid crunch time. Although, it didn’t take the remaining “loyals” long to rally; after a healthy maniacal laugh in a skyward direction. With a pep in our step; and a rock in this guys shoe, the team descended upon the fortress; recently renovated to dispell solitude. Only interrupted briefly by a helpful young lass, whom was trying to rid the dungeon of a rather pesky “monster” which turned out to be a rather small dog that only she could see. After the monsters banishment, the management quietly soothed everyone’s quivering yet stoic hearts and got on with the days business; moto/ logo design. Seemingly thousands; equaling forty-two, of motos were put into the cauldron. After much ado with bubbling blubbering boiling brew, the crew decided about nothing. The three who were not in attendance; and shall henceforth go unnamed, called for a fourth to their motos banner, and were greeted with inbox crickets. At the end of the day we have the words of Waterboys Bobby Boucher “The search continues.” Although, all was not lost to chamber one of this double barreled weekend, as Chris quelled the logo debate with elegant simplicity complemented by a cheesy grin. The second began much as the first. Our pungently punctual writer arriving a good hour before the artist formally known as Chris. Julian, as ever, performing a speedy jaunt in tow. After generally generic greetings, a most amazing occurrence occurred. Silence. Not the kind one knows when lying in a darkened room, rightfully frightened by monstrous mongrels, but the kind known on ramparts in tales of old. Like Leonidas, it was not fear that gripped the group, more of a heightened sense of things. The four fell upon their work with the watchtowers somber efficiency. Julian jested with his asteroids. Chris showed his metal whilst texturing block after block of a city. Tough guy Nick worked on the finer points of programming power platforms. While Jacob, sat in a corner rocking madly and drawing fanciful shirts for the ladies. Don’t worry gentlemen, he remembered you too. As the bolt in this Olympian writers hand began to twinge the remaining three gave life to voice. This battle well fought the gents were jovial as jackrabbits in July. Waving farewell the company disbanded once more. Both the bird and plane guy were in attendance and swore they saw an up and coming celebrity heading the Caravan. Roll on Hotrod…Roll on.

The post Double Barreled Weekend 8/4-8/5 appeared first on E4 Software.

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